In Villa Crespi puoi scegliere
tra il comfort delle nostre Suite e
l’esperienza tristellata nel Ristorante
dello Chef Cannavacciuolo.
Inizia il tuo viaggio.

The values and principles of Villa Crespi, for a more lively, sustainable planet

The principles and values of Villa Crespi are to ensure new generations a planet full of life and sustainability, flourishing nature and hope, where they can nurture their dreams and experience excitement and emotions.

Dear friends,

We would like to thank you for the trust you’ve given to our wonderful Residence during the summer season. You were extraordinary and very supportive in this incredibly delicate period our country and the whole world has been living.
The difficult health emergency that once again is putting us to the test, certainly has not taken away our desire to be ready, more than ever. We aim to make your stay at Villa Crespi as harmonious and safe as possible.
This is why Villa Crespi has proudly decided to makes its mark, to project its values and principles into the future and ensure new generations a planet full of life and sustainability, flourishing nature and hope, where they can nurture their dreams and experience excitement and emotions.
The hope … we see in your eyes upon arrival … we see in your smiles as you savor the dishes we have carefully paired with local organic products chosen daily, farm-to-table for you, along with herbs grown directly by our gardeners and picked by our staff in the garden corner of our century-old park.

Respect and safety

We take care when cleaning the rooms and common areas, which is done exclusively with steam. A dedicated vacuum cleaner is used to remove dust and filter the air with the natural energy of water, thereby reducing allergy symptoms. All mattresses and pillows are covered with soft, certified anti-mite mattress covers and cases. Our housekeepers use, in all rooms and suites, ozone sanitizing, which, in this delicate period, enables us to provide maximum cleanliness and hygiene of private spaces during your stay.
This past year we have integrated not only in the areas dedicated to guests but also in all those used by our employees, a state-of-the-art active sanitization system using advanced technology capable of eliminating most of the pollutants in the air. The same system was developed and used by NASA to sanitize the areas destined for aerospace missions.

Protecting our planet

We have focused on safeguarding the environment, and we do so with small daily actions to help reduce and efficiently manage waste.

For example, the amenities found in our rooms and suites are made of glass as we try to reduce the use of plastic as much as possible.

Our goal is to become a Plastic Free facility by 2021.

Aware of the immeasurable value nature offers us, we are trying to adopt all the necessary precautions to become an organic whole with the richness of the environment around us. We’ve been doing this since 2018, when we decided to devote a part of our park to 5 beehives. We care for them daily, and in return, we are gifted with delicious honey you can enjoy in the morning at breakfast or find in our desserts.
Villa Crespi also devotes particular attention to energy consumption. The very reason we have launched an energy efficiency program to track and manage energy consumption while avoiding any potential waste in each department. A small gesture that may seem trivial, but has long since become a rule in our house, is the use of energy-efficient light bulbs wherever possible. All rooms and suites have a new system of valves for the air conditioning and heating systems designed to ensure energy efficiency. Each guest can control the temperature inside their own room. With this system, we can significantly reduce energy waste.
We would also like to proudly share with you how we’ve taken care of our most precious assets. Since 2006, thanks to a purification plant, all drinking water used at Villa Crespi gets purified. This system makes it possible for us to provide better, more natural tasting dishes and water you can drink in total safety. Since 2017 Villa Crespi has two dedicated EV charging stations, allowing us to assist you in recharging your car during your stay if necessary.

The importance of a single gesture

These past few months and the one we are currently living can only lead us to think carefully, to think about each single gesture, even those most obvious ones, which can help us all to improve together.

Conveying this thought, as well as our philosophy of hospitality and cuisine, is for us an integral part of what represents the Villa Crespi experience.
We wish to give you an opportunity to join us, to face together the future that lies ahead….today with a bit of uncertainty but with the desire to “live” that ties us together now more than ever.